Event Line-Up

On February 23-28, 2021, the second annual Womxn of Color Summit: The Art of Authentic Living will bring together inspirational Black, Indigenous, womxn and non-binary people of color for a full week of speakers, live workshops, community gathering, and space holding.

Each day, you will get access to 2-3 pre-recorded Speaker interviews and 3-4 live workshops (via IG Live and Zoom) and networking and care circles. This is true except for Day 5: Integration Day that will have no programming in order to provide attendees with the opportunity to turn off their phones and computers and connect with nature and go within. Resting is part of the work too.

Below you will find descriptions of what to expect from the conversations with the 13 Summit Speakers, the live workshops with the 20 Summit Facilitators, and care circles with 4 Care Guides. You can toggle between Speakers and Workshops for each day by clicking the “Speakers” or “Workshops” buttons.

All times are in Pacific Standard Time. Zoom registration for workshops is required unless otherwise indicated. All workshops will have replays made available for the next three weeks after the week of the summit. View the Workshop Schedule at a Glance.

The Womxn of Color Summit is a gathering that will empower you to gain valuable insights to create a sustainable model of wellness and leadership that honors our journeys and affirms that we are worthy of our own time, care, and attention.

Day 1 / Feb 23rd, 2021


Identity Politics, Systemic Oppression, Power Dynamics

All Summit Speaker conversations are pre-recorded and shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

"Decolonization or what I call the process of remembrance can be a very lonely one at first. These are very painful things to look at but it's also something to celebrate because we have woken up. We realize there is nothing wrong with ME. I've been conditioned by this sick, toxic system."

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Keisha Delva, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Entrepreneur, and Personal Development Coach.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Internalized anti-blackness and oppression.

  • Hopelessness relies on the oppressor.

  • Privilege is just another illusion.

  • Tangible ways to decolonize from oppressive belief systems of white supremacy, racism, and anti-blackness.

"I have access so it is my job, my right, my responsibility to make sure others are also gaining access. I'm working to create an opportunity for someone else even greater than the opportunity that has been created for me."

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Dr. Lourdes Ashley Hunter, Scholar, Innovator, Executive Director of Trans Women of Color Collective.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Re-imagining new worlds.

  • Building new models for care, wellness, and safety.

  • Racial capitalism and state-sanctioned violence.

“Right now the solution is do what we can to amplify dissenting voices everywhere and mutual aid is super key to that. Mutual aid within our own communities and also globally. And voting to make sure that incremental changes becomes more and more of a reality each day.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Joy Malonza, Founder of The Down Ballot.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Neoliberal politics in US democracy.

  • Myths we’ve internalized about voting and how voting does have a direct impact to our quality of life and the health of our local communities.

  • Politically active womxn of color.

  • The power of incremental change.

All Workshops are live unless otherwise specified. Workshop registration and replays are shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

Opening Ceremony

Led by Harpinder Mann and Irene Lo, Co-Creators of the Womxn of Color Summit

8:00 AM -8:30 AM PT (30min) | IG Live

Co-creators of the Womxn of Color Summit, Harpinder Mann and Irene Lo, will lead an Opening Ceremony on IG Live to welcome the community to the summit followed by a Tarot pull and a grounding and meditation exercise.

How Capitalism Is Failing Our Humanity

Led by Shengxiao “Sole” Yu, Social Justice Educator and Community Advocate

10:30 AM -12:00 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

The development of capitalism has ushered in unprecedented wealth for the world. Capitalism as a system has efficiently organized resources and labor in a way that has created conditions that could allow all of us to thrive. Yet we do not all thrive. Instead of having capitalism as a means to organize our lives in service of our humanity, capitalism itself has become the goal and has failed our humanity in the process. Capitalism encourages scarcity mentality, does not support human relationships, and acts as a barrier to a liberatory world.

In this interactive workshop, we will spend time digging into how capitalism shows up in our lives, how it creates the conditions to exacerbate inequality, and how it is failing our humanity.

Care Circle: Self Care for Your Inner Child

Led by Taylor Huntley, Community Herbalist and Birthworker

1:00 PM -2:00 PM PT (60min) | Zoom

We honor everyone's life experience and how they support themselves in adulthood. This care circle is taking a moment to check in with ourselves and evaluate if we are healing or coping. This intentional self care workshop is catered towards your inner most delicate self- your inner child. Most self care discussions are around our needs as adults but what about what you needed as a child? What about playful laughter, encouraging words and a sense of security? We all might have some things that we did not receive in our childhood that we must give ourselves the permission to receive now.

Through guided activities and connection we will create individual self care routines centering play, safety and encouragement. We will form connections with others and a deeper connection with ourselves. Bring your gel pens and your journal or diaries, and let’s have some pure, light hearted fun!


Unpacking Identity, Dismantling Power

Led by Constanza Eliana Chinea, Decolonization & Liberation Educator

3:00 PM -4:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

What do power and oppression have to with cultural appropriation? What do supremacy and identity have to do with interpersonal relationships?

In this digestible course, we go over the role power has over identity and how they are intertwined with each other.

Coming Home: Navigating our Identities as Immigrant Children and Children of Immigrants

Led by Channdika Thayver, Trauma informed, Compassion and Anti-Oppression based Coach, Mentor and Consultant

5:30 PM -7:00 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

In this reflective and introspective workshop, we will explore the ways in which we relate to our respective identities as immigrant children and/or children of immigrants.

We will also explore the ways in which these identities may or may not be serving us now, the ways in which these identities may be impacting our relationships with others and how we can start reframing our identities and experiences through a decolonial and liberatory lens, so as to thrive in authentic relationships with ourselves and with others.

Day 2 / Feb 24th, 2021


Processing Death, Complexes, and Wounds

All Summit Speaker conversations are pre-recorded and shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

“We all want to be well and spiritually well but how can we also be reciprocal to indigenous communities?"

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Pınar Ateş Sinopoulos-Lloyd, Co-founder of Queer Nature & Indigequeers.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Healing from colonization (depression and bulimia) with the support of indigenous medicines and community.

  • Continued co-opting of Indigenous medicines by colonizers.

  • Reciprocity with Indigenous communities.

"It made me realize how screwed up all of this is and that it's not just me. It's everybody. Everybody's been fed this lie that we can control our health. That it is completely within our control."

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Aisha Nash, Body Image Educator.

Conversation Highlights:

  • How society and white supremacy affect how we view ourselves.

  • Steps we can take to build an acceptance-based relationship with ourselves and our bodies.

“When we call somebody else a colonizer, we’re denying our ability to see or limiting our ability to see how those things live within us. It’s adhering to these binaries. It is limiting our ability to see the flexibility of identity.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Marika Clymer, Medicine Woman, Energetic Healer.

Conversation Highlights:

  • The shadow of the colonizer within.

  • Unpacking the traditional roots of Japanese Reiki.

  • Shadows surrounding mainstream spirituality.

All Workshops are live unless otherwise specified. Workshop registration and replays are shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

Embracing the Shadow with Breathwork, Guided Visualization + Movement

Led by Ellen Wong, Cofounder of We Are All Daughters., the Woo Knew? Podcast, and Certified Breathwork Guide

9:00 AM -10:30 AM PT (90min) | Zoom

Our shadows are the aspects of ourselves most difficult to face, but they are also the key to wholeness and accessing our greatest strengths when we learn to accept and integrate them with love and self-compassion. We will journey through our breath to face our Shadows with the guidance of our Inner Children.

In this 90-minute guided session, we will journey with our Little Selves into ecstatic quantum realities using a 2-step mouth-breathing technique to activate the sympathetic nervous system. Relying on the wisdom of our bodies to show us only that which we are ready for, the breathwork surfaces stored energy and emotion (energy in motion) within the fascia to be confronted, examined and released.

How to Ease Into Boundary Setting

Led by Phuong-Thao MacLeod, Somatic Practitioner

11:30 AM -12:45 PM PT (75min) | Zoom

Boundaries are a way to honor yourself and protect your time, energy, and well-being.

However, as WOC, we have been conditioned to be "polite" by saying yes and to prioritize how others feel & think. Overtime, we become experts at anticipating people's needs, internalizing the message that we don't matter as much as others and become a stranger to ourselves. If you were not allowed or encouraged to set boundaries or say no, boundary setting can feel terrifying.

In this workshop, you will uncover why it's difficult for women at a systematic and body level and walk away empowered with doable steps into ease into boundary setting."

Connecting to the "Root of the Root of Ourselves" Through Art

Led by Shadia Heenan Nilforoush, Multimedia Artist, Teacher

3:00 PM -5:00 PM PT (120min) | Zoom

Much like our movement and mindfulness practices, art allows us to drop into felt senses of being. Through visual art we can communicate with images, shapes, colors, and textures. Often we discover that which we seek within the layers of our artwork.

In this workshop, participants will be guided through a lecture of contemporary visual artists whose work examines themes of identity and ancestry, meditation and breath awareness, a journal prompt, time to manifest the beginning of your art piece, and space for sharing and reflection.


Death and the Art of Living

Led by Mangda Sengvanhpheng, Founder of BACII

6:00 PM-7:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

A writing and reflection workshop where death can teach us how to live in more alignment with our truest selves.

How can death teach us the art of authentically living? Join Mangda Sengvanhpheng, founder of BACII for an empowering self-discovery workshop on a topic we tend to avoid most. We will co-create a safe space to better understand our fears and find ways to integrate this shadow side of life into our daily existence as a form of wellbeing. Through self-reflection and writing, we can begin to see death as a teacher in learning how to live in more alignment with our truest selves.

Please note this is not a bereavement group and we will be discussing sensitive topics. This gathering is not intended to provide or substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Day 3 / Feb 25th, 2021


Connecting to the Sacred

All Summit Speaker conversations are pre-recorded and shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

“Food is spiritual for me because it came from the land and the land is alive, it’s full of wisdom and spirits, and each aspect of nature is a Being. Humans are seen as the apex of some fictional hierarchy. If we were to really understand that the land is alive, then we would realize we’re actually not on this apex, if there is a hierarchy at all.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Mimi Young,Shamanic Witch, 巫 (Wu) Occultist.

Conversation Highlights:

  • What is 巫 (Wu) Shamanism?

  • Everyday rituals, everyday magick.

  • Ancestral foods.

  • Low calorie spirituality.

What our Indigenous technologies and teachings share with us is that we exist in present, in past, and in future all at the same time.

“There is no more poignant way to experience that than by connecting with a plant. So many of us, people of color, womxn of color, we walk around the world being like, ‘I’m not whole. My story is not complete. My parents don’t want to talk about my ancestors. There’s colonial shame.’There’s colonial shame.’

“We all got very similar stories about our people not wanting to talk about the magic that we come from. There’s something about plants that I think break down the armour of some of our family members.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with xóchicoatl bello, Ancestor-in-training, Ceremonialist, Circlekeeper, Healing Practitioner.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Connecting to our ancestors through plant healing.

  • Little Elders.

  • Humanizing all our ancestors.

All Workshops are live unless otherwise specified. Workshop registration and replays are shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

Connecting to our Roots: Rekindling our Healing Relationship with the Plants

Led by Taylor Rae, Herbalist, Herbal Educator, and Activist

9:00 AM-10:00 AM PT (60min) | IG Live

In this workshop, we dive into the rich Black, Brown, and Indigenous histories involved in creating what is now considered to be "western herbal medicine". We will explore the ways that humans have evolved with plants over time to form highly intertwined relationships and mutualism, and how they are here to guide us on our healing journey, if we allow it.

While plants are capable of supporting us in a number of different ways, in this workshop we will be honing in on stress, an emotion that we are all too familiar with, as an area in which the plants can help us cope. We will also be exploring our bodies' physiological stress responses, the ways stress has been passed down generationally (epigenetics), and the ways that our ancestral knowledge of the plants have passed down with it.

Disrupting Wellness and Yoga with BIWOC Sovereignty | 4 Part Framework for Reclaiming Your Roots

Led by Susanna Barkataki, Yoga Industry Disrupter and Founder of Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute

11:00 AM-12:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom (Sponsored)

Susanna Barkataki, Yoga Industry disrupter and Internationally Bestselling Author, wants you to be seen and known in yoga and wellness. She will share stories, tools and practices for disrupting white dominant industries so we can take our rightful places as leaders - and know you are everything. Reclaim your roots with ancestral remembrances and our melanated, magical stories.

Amplify Your Chill with the Power of the Plant

Led by Host of Amplify Your Chill podcast, Geraldine Mae Cueva with Calan Ma’lyn, Co-Founder of Green Thumb Edu

2:00 PM-3:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom (Sponsored)

Geraldine Mae Cueva, the self-proclaimed Chillanthropist and host of the podcast, Amplify Your Chill, sits with Calan Ma’lyn, Artist and Founder of the educational platform, Green Thumb Edu, to discuss how she manages her well-being through responsible cannabis consumption.

Join the two cannabis creatives in a conversation exploring how to #makechill in the fight to destigmatize the plant through education, community building, and self-awareness.


Care Circle: Soul Buddy Edition

Led by Ayla Vejdani, Co-founder of MINDSHIFT LEADERSHIP, Certified Brain-based Executive Coach

5:00 PM-6:00 PM PT (60min) | Zoom

This care circle is geared towards Soul Buddies to get to know each other through icebreakers and exercises.

If you did not sign up for the Soul Buddy Program, you are more than welcome to attend, and we will pair you up!

Healing and Honoring Virtues From our Ancestral Lineage

Led by Monica Blanco, ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Energy Clearing Specialist

6:30 PM-8:00 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

In this workshop, Monica will guide you in a journey and visualization to visit an ancestor. We will be releasing any negative beliefs that come from our ancestors that might not be aligning with us in our current life. Monica will bring forward all the positive virtues from our ancestors that will not only allow us to have a better connection with them but also help us in our daily lives.

We will bring into our current life all the virtues from our ancestors to honor them with the highest vibration. Monica will do a guided meditation that is from that brings the energy from Universe which will take into a Theta State, a High vibration that will allow for this shift to take place.

Day 4 / Feb 26th, 2021


Homecoming to Your Self

All Summit Speaker conversations are pre-recorded and shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

“As soon as we are looking at our survival, that’s when that primal ‘you vs me’ tribalism, ‘by all means necessary,’ ‘it’s not personal, it’s business,’ ‘it wasn’t that bad of a deal, you got what you needed’ - like, that needs to stop.

“When we choose to do ancestral healing and personal development, when we choose to believe that our humanity can be different than the way that it has been, we will do business different.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Ash Johns, Psychospiritual Life Coach, Ancestral Healer, Conscious Business Strategist.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Showing up as our highest self in business and in work.

  • It’s never just business.

  • Healing ancestral wounds and creating freedom in life.

“Even when you're womxn of color, you're not always going to be personally in alignment with each other. Even if your collective goal is the same, it doesn't necessarily mean that on a personal level y'all make great friends. We're so diverse, like womxn of color, you're talking about different cultural backgrounds, different upbringings, different values of just like the home, and how we look at friendships.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Ellen Bowles and Imani Quinn, Co-Hosts of The Woke Mystix and Co-Authors of Astrology SOS.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Authentic partnerships between womxn of color.

  • Toxic femininity.

“When I think that's why we have these facial features, it makes me proud because it's proof that your ancestors survived this long. In order for us to come into this world and continue our family legacy, continue our lineage, continue to like survive and thrive and I feel like that has a deeper purpose.

“So when I look at beauty, yeah it’s spirit, but also the stories of our ancestors that are written all over your face.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Tamsin Lee, East Asian Medicine Doctor, Researcher, and Face Reader.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Reclaiming the beauty narratives that we tell ourselves.

  • The history of Gwansang, Korean face reading.

  • How Gwansang can shift our modern perspective of “beauty.”

All Workshops are live unless otherwise specified. Workshop registration and replays are shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

Alignment Over Hustle: A Call-in for Womxn of Color

Led by Adelina Tancioco, Therapist, Restorative Justice Practitioner, Coach, and Intuitive Healer

9:00 AM-10:30 AM PT (90min) | Zoom (Sponsored)

The world teaches us that in order to “make it” we have to hustle and grind, but our Highest-self tells us quite the opposite.

Join us for a 90-minute workshop with Adelina Tancioco of Surrendered Healing where you will learn how to discern your Higher-self from your ego-self, a 5-point test for determining whether your dream life is in fact your calling, simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt, and worry, and so much more!

Love and Light? An Honest Exploration of Self-Care

Led by Dr. Hazel Cebrun-Archie, Physician, Wellness Advocate, and Entrepreneur

11:00 AM-12:00 PM PT (60min) | Zoom (Sponsored)

In this workshop, we will explore the radical and revolutionary roots of caring for your mind, body, and soul.

We will glean inspiration from history, literature and art to discover the true nature of self-care and how to effectively incorporate it into your daily life to come home to yourself.

Care Circle: Soul Care Club and Exploring Perfectionism

Led by Angelee Andorfer-Lopez, Founder & CEO of Manifest House

1:00 PM-2:00 PM PT (60min) | Zoom

What would you try if you didn't have to do it perfectly? In this virtual circle led by Angelee, the founder of Manifest House, we’ll spend time journaling, sharing, and reflecting on our personal and collective experiences with perfectionism.

Angelee will guide the journey through exploring why perfectionism is an obstacle, the pressure we face from society to "do it all", and how we can train and work with our inner critic. We’ll feel into the narratives we need to release when it comes to being perfect and show gratitude to ourselves and each other. Bring a journal and open heart.

Ready to dive deep, reflect, and release?


Community as Mutual Aid: Getting Shit Done Together

Led by Bvlbancha Collective

3:00 PM-4:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

This workshop will focus on the power of community, mutual aid, and direct action using a call-and-response method of knowledge sharing and dream building with attendees. We will focus on community and kinship as praxis, and how to show up for at-risk communities (particularly Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQI2S communities).

Building kinship communities and walking the path of mutual aid and defense of the Water and Earth are vital towards living authentically and in alignment with Indigenous sovereignty and Black liberation as co-conspirators with all human communities as well as the non-human Nations of the Earth.

Kinship is vital to authentic living, the foundation for all other means for healing, justice, freedom, and building the worlds in which we want to live-- we will plant the seeds of kinship in action by example.

Freedom of Expression: A Vocal Workshop

Led by Mx Puja Singh aka Puja Singh Titchkosky, Yoga, Meditation and Music Teacher

5:00 PM-7:00 PM PT (120min) | Zoom

A musical experience to help people connect with their voice and work on expressing themselves more freely. Using the voice as a tool to clear out the Vishuddha (throat) Chakra, in order to open up our capacity for expression, and then exploring the voice using music.

We will do warmups and exercises to open up and start to become more familiar with the voice and then we will sing some Kirtan/Bhajan (Indian devotional songs). We will close with a short meditation to integrate and process the rest of the experience and then we’ll have a few minutes for Q+A.

Day 5 / Feb 27th, 2021


Our Version of a Silent Retreat

Integration Day is about going inwards.

In response to the last Summit where attendees expressed a desire to have time to integrate all the knowledge, this is a day for you to decompress, unwind. This is hard work.

There will be no content this day. In an effort to integrate everything you have learned and embodied, we invite you to turn off your phone and tv and get into nature. Perhaps meditate, do yoga, journal, cook, or read.

Sit with what comes up and feel it all, dear one. Resting is part of the work too.

Day 6 / Feb 28th, 2021


Revelling in our Miracles and Wins

All Summit Speaker conversations are pre-recorded and shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

“Sex is natural and I truly believe that women, they're more sexual than men but we have to hide it because we're looked at as whores or you know - the stigmas that are out there. I hear comments sometimes when a woman is maybe a little seems “promiscuous” putting quotations when I say that online because she's showing her body and a lot of men would make comments saying like, ”oh, well, she looks easy no one will ever take her seriously.” And it's like, why is that? Why can't we take her seriously because she's expressing herself in a sensual way?” 

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Amanda Diaz, Sex Herbalist.

Conversation Highlights:

  • Honoring our sexual well-being.

  • Exploring sensuality and expanding our understanding of self-pleasure.

  • Sexual liberation.

  • Sexual trauma and shame.

“We think props are only used in certain positions or whatever and I'm like no, no. Props can be used for the whole practice and even moving away from the word “prop,” like calling it a support.

“COVID is opening up a big dialogue for things that were happening before that got swept under the rug but now we can't avoid it. We can't avoid being more accessible as teachers and as practitioners as well.”

-Excerpt from Summit Speaker Conversation with Shanèl Dear, Movement and Meditation Teacher.

Conversation Highlights:

  • How movement can create space for authenticity.

  • Community building and accessibility.

  • Movement for pleasure, not exercise for punishment.

  • Showing up as our authentic selves in colonized spaces.

All Workshops are live unless otherwise specified. Workshop registration and replays are shared daily via email to Summit Pass-holders.

Care Circle: Facilitating our Liberation through Storytelling

Led by Melissa Charles, Facilitator and Organizer

8:00 AM-9:00 AM PT (60min) | Zoom

We will be engaging in this space to practice fully embracing our stories, bodies and beings as WoC in pursuit of our liberation.

Within this space for community care, I am hoping to cultivate a space that understands both the political and healing practices of being ourselves. Of knowing our stories. And of feeling empowered to choose when and how to share our stories in pursuit of liberation. I hope to foster a welcoming environment for folks to share, connect and build on each others' collective experiences.


Experiencing Gender Euphoria in Healing and Wellness

Led by Trans Yoga Project

10:00 AM-11:30 AM PT (90min) | Zoom

Members of the Trans Yoga Project share their experience in wellness and healing as they discover gender euphoria.

Consider what becomes possible when your truest self expression is celebrated. What are you doing today to celebrate your highest Self?

Overcoming The Fear of Being Seen Through Celebration

Led by Catherine Cruz Bioc, Self Love Coach and Heart Healer

12:00 PM-1:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom (Sponsored)

If you’ve ever been afraid to share wins, triumphs, and accomplishments in your life, this workshop is for you.

During our time together we will understand the resistance of being seen, learn how the act of celebration heals deep wounds, and how to incorporate celebrations daily. You’ll walk away with your heart full and with tools to increase self awareness, confidence, self love, and overall happiness.


Loving Ourselves Through Dance

Led by Kassandra Roberts, Dancer and Choreographer

3:00 PM-4:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

Incorporating movement in any holistic wellness lifestyle has many benefits to our physical, mental and emotional health. With this workshop we will continue the theme of "celebrating us" and focus on getting to know and love our bodies through dance. This low impact class is to promote an understanding of breath, self confidence and physical awareness. No experience is necessary.




and let's get to knowing our bodies again.

Closing Ceremony

Led by Harpinder Mann and Irene Lo, Co-Creators of the Womxn of Color Summit

6:00 PM-7:30 PM PT (90min) | Zoom

Join us for a special Closing Ceremony for community to come together, share their experiences, and partake in spellwork. Special guest to be announced.

Charging Our Worth As WOC

Led by Elaine Lou, Business and Career Coach and Speaker

BONUS WORKSHOP | Pre-Recorded Video (Sponsored)

Our ancestors and parents sacrificed so much so that we can have a life of choice, a life of freedom and a life of abundance.⁣

As a WOC and small business owner who has made multi-6 figures going onto 7-figures soon, there's been times Elaine has been ridiculed for charging her worth.⁣ However, in this session Elaine shares how charging her worth has allowed her to contribute even more to our WOC community during these difficult economic times by providing jobs.⁣

In this session, Elaine will help you:⁣

✨ Understand how our ancestors sacrificed so much so that WE can heal generational trauma and create true, generational wealth⁣

✨ Change your perspective that money is energy and that when you ask for money you are asking for that individual's commitment to create change.⁣

✨ Receive powerful scripts to ask for your worth to get consistent clients


Uprooting Ancestral Trauma to Embrace and Heal the Breakdown of our Self-Identity

Led by Danielle Kitzes, Spiritual Advisor, Soul Healer

BONUS WORKSHOP | Pre-Recorded Video (Sponsored)

Together we will explore the importance of examining our language, roots and ancestral trauma as it pertains to our self-identity.

Then by embracing our inner revolution and intergenerational healing, we are able to reconstruct an authentic identity that can ultimately bring a balance between personal freedom and collective responsibility.


Black Future: Liberation through Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, & Collective Care

Led by Dez Davis and DeJanae Evins Co-Founders of Radical Womxn

BONUS WORKSHOP | Pre-Recorded Video (Sponsored)

Exploring concepts of Liberation & Care through Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, & Collective lenses to cultivate and deepen our sense of responsibility to ourselves and each other. 

Historically, Black History Month commemorates the struggles & celebrates the overcomings of our ancestors. In this workshop, we hold a space to affirm the future we are imagining into reality.

Join us as we discuss what is needed to develop and sustain a shared vision of Liberation. Care is the vehicle that drives this conversation forward. It is through conscious care of ourselves first, that the brilliance, beauty and value that exists throughout the diaspora, can be nurtured in the future we co-create.

CBD 101 and Dive Into Your CBD Journey to WellnessLed by Amy Chin, Founder of Calm Better Days, CBD EducatorBONUS WORKSHOP | Pre-Recorded Video (Sponsored)Learn the CBD Basics to maximize your results with CBD.Everyone is touting CBD so let's talk a…

CBD 101 and Dive Into Your CBD Journey to Wellness

Led by Amy Chin, Founder of Calm Better Days, CBD Educator

BONUS WORKSHOP | Pre-Recorded Video (Sponsored)

Learn the CBD Basics to maximize your results with CBD.

Everyone is touting CBD so let's talk about how to use plant medicine properly to maximize results. After this workshop you'll be armed with the CBD basics to start your wellness journey and maximize your results.

Calm Better Days walks clients through what is CBD, what to use it for, different delivery methods and how to find your dosage. Knowing the essentials is key to maximizing your results. Clients also receive a tailored CBD regimen based on the individual's needs and lifestyle so they can dive into their CBD journey.

Pursue Your Liberation