Help Us Make Healing & Wellness Accessible For All


What You Are Giving To

Womxn of Color Healing in Community

Our work is rooted in our commitment to decolonize and dismantle oppressive systems that only provide access to knowledge and tools for a few at the top. Wellness and healing can only be accessible to all when our community is given a safe space to come together and share knowledge and stories. Your giving helps us in our vision of what community can look like in times where it’s clear white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism is hindering us from living.

Womxn of Color Labor

We are committed to racial equity which means we are focused in financially compensating speakers, facilitators, interns - anyone who works with us. Racial equity also means providing free tickets to attendees who do not have typically have access to spaces and practices that focus on their healing and their stories. Your giving will go to help us continue our mission.

Highlighting the stories and voices of womxn of color takes months of behind-the-scenes planning work. We are a small team doing this labor out of pocket. This labor includes everything from community organizing, events planning and facilitating, marketing, public relations, communications, and financial planning. We are in the process of fundraising for our team so that we have the freedom to work on this project full-time. Your giving helps us to our goal of continuing work on the Womxn of Color Summit®.

Suggested Donation Amounts

For anyone that donates $100 and above, we will snail mail you a beautiful handwritten thank you note, an original art print by resident WOC artist Farah Billah and a very cool Womxn of Color Summit graphic sticker. Any and all donations are so incredibly appreciated - this token of support does not go unnoticed by us and we are grateful.


Will help towards supporting the labor of the organizing team and behind-the-scenes planning work.


Will help towards community organizing and highlighting the stories and voices of womxn of color.


Will help towards building our free and subsidized tickets fund so that nobody is turned away due to lack of funds.


Will help towards financially compensating BIWoC speakers and workshop facilitators for their labor.


Thank You

Community and collaboration have served as our main pillars when planning the summit and without the support of our community, this would not be possible.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

Harpinder & Irene